Brand Book
Our mission
To enrich the lives of Kenyans in and outside Kenya
Brand message
The Heartbeat of Kenya
Our primary goal is to create and share stories which give you positive emotions, inspire and empower. However, always features breaking news immediately, and our readers never miss important updates.

Our Values
We put our audience first by creating relevant content and using multiple distribution channels
We cover the most trending and significant topics with an emphasis on local news to enrich Kenyans' everyday lives
We double-check our facts before publishing and avoid using misleading or clickbait headlines
We apply cutting-edge technology to create the newsfeed based on people's preferences and to improve the site speed
We stick to "do no harm" policy, show the world in its diversity and never justify violence
Download all the logos in vector
The space around the logo should be no less than the height from the base to the cross of the "T".
Leave the free space around the logo to ensure its readability.
Safe zone
Logo misuse
Incorrect use of the logo compromises it's identity and harms the consistency of the brand. The logo shouldn't be altered or modified, you can't add any side elements to the logo.
DO NOT change the color
DO NOT stretch, modify or distort the logo
DO NOT add drop shadows or other effects
DO NOT place the logo on a busy background
DO NOT outline the logo
DO NOT add gradients
Main colors
CMYK: 13/100/100/9
RGB: 194/21/22
CMYK: 88/33/100/25
RGB: 23/104/47
CMYK: 0/0/0/100
RGB: 0/0/0
Our corporate typefaceіs are Helvetica Neue and Akrobat. These fonts are among the most popular fonts of our time.
The Heartbeat of Kenya
Branding style guide
App icons
Download all the icons in vector
Presentation template